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Lucid Reality
Learn more about sleep, lucid dreams, brain health, and living fully awake.

What is lucidity?
Picture a moment of absolute clarity and alertness, where distractions dissolve and the present engulfs you entirely.

Adjust your mindset and get better sleep
The pursuit of amazing sleep can, paradoxically, be terrible for sleep. Learn how to improve your sleep by changing your mindset.

Lucid dreams and intentions
A lucid dream is one in which you know you’re dreaming—it’s that simple. Training your brain to achieve that kid of awareness is a bit less

Non-sleep deep rest: a beginner's guide
Non-sleep deep rest, or NSDR, is more or less what it sounds like: a way to give your brain a meaningful break, without fully falling asleep

Napping FAQs
Wondering whether you should take up napping? Already a napper and want to get more out of your daily snooze? We’ve got you covered.

Are you using your Apple Watch correctly? Tips for tracking your Zzzs.
To get the most out of your watch, be sure to correctly configure your sleep settings in Apple Health.

STUDY: Lucid dreams can improve mood
"Results indicated that higher lucidity was associated with more positive dream content and elevated positive waking mood the next...
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