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Adjust your mindset and get better sleep

Team Lucid

The pursuit of amazing sleep can, paradoxically, be terrible for sleep. Though plenty of people benefit from tracking devices and sleep optimization techniques, others find that these measures put undue pressure on the process, making good sleep even more elusive. That’s why we suggest working on your sleep mindset alongside any other interventions. Here are some mindset tips, based on the work of sleep psychologist Stephanie Romiszewski and others.

  • Stop seeking perfection. Abandon the idea of a perfect night’s sleep, and be kind to yourself if you don’t hit your sleep goals. Know that even if you get 0 sleep tonight, you’ll be ok in the long run.

  • Celebrate your uniqueness. Everyone has different sleep needs, so a 10PM-6AM schedule may not work for you. Don't force your body into a pattern that feels unnatural. If you organically fall asleep late or wake up early, enjoy that time!

  • Think in terms of sleep 'opportunities' rather than a strict bedtime. Creating sleep opportunities means carving out a consistent time window devoted to sleep—without enforcing a rigid bedtime. For example, you might aim to be ready for bed by 11 PM every night, but if you're not sleepy at that time, it’s totally fine to stay up until you feel tired. (Just make sure you’re not doing anything excessively stimulating).

  • Don't stress nighttime wake-ups. Waking up during the night is normal and doesn't mean your sleep is ruined. When this happens, relax in your bed for a few minutes and take pleasure in the calm of the night. If you don’t fall back asleep, get up and do something you enjoy until you feel tired again.

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